Notes of LS3MIP Kick Off Meeting 11. Sep. 2017
Telcon 11 Sep 2017, 12:00 – 15:00 CET
Chair: Bart van den Hurk, KNMI
- CSIRO: Ian Harman
- CAS: Jia Binghao
- EnvCanada: Chris Derksen
- CMCC: Daniela Peano and Stefano Materia
- CCSM: Dave Lawrence
- IPSL: Gerhard Krinner, Agnes Ducharne, Frederique Cheruy
- Meteo France: Jeanne Colin, Constantin Ardilouze
- Princeton forcing data: Justin Sheffield
- MPI: Stefan Hagemann and Tobias Stacke
- ETH: Sonia Seneviratne and Mathias Hauser
- EC-Earth: Andrea Alessandri (KNMI, ENEA), Franco Catalano (ENEA), Wilhelm May (Ulund)
- BCS: Weiping Li
- Univ of Tokyo: Hyungjun Kim and Yoshihiko Iseri (?)
- Univ Wisconsin: Jiafy Mao
- Hadley Centre: Phil Harris
Main conclusions
Communication within LS3MIP
- The google doc should be included in a wiki on LS3MIP. This wiki should also host other instructions and allow exchanging scientific and technical ideas from participants. The hosting of this wiki will be explored by the coordination team (action: LS3MIP coordination team)
- A live “first results” meeting will be organised back-to-back with a project meeting in september or october 2018 (action: LS3MIP coordination team)
Status of offline forcing
- GSWP3-forcing is the core tier 1 forcing data set. V1 has been distributed and runs from 1871 until 2010. V1.1 will contain small error corrections and runs until 2016. This version will be released soon. Like every data set it does contain some spurious elements such as generally strong wind speeds and large precipitation trends in high latitudes, but people who have experienced the forcing do give positive feedback on its quality
- No specific information on aerosol forcing (including nitrogen deposition) is provided by LS3MIP; these forcings should be taken from the generic CMIP6 forcing data repository
- The Princeton V2 forcing data set is available online and runs from 2948 until 2016. V3 will become available later in 2017, and will have assimilated station data
- Recommended versions will possibly change as time proceeds. The LS3MIP information repository will maintain information on recommendations and benchmark versions (action: LS3MIP coordination team)
Experimental set-up
- Dave Lawrence will distribute a document describing the way to introduce climate change information into the atmospheric forcing of offline model simulations via an advanced delta-change method. The protocol will be considered as a template for the offline future simulations in LMIP (action: LS3MIP coordination team)
- Tier 2 simulations of offline runs can wait until mid 2018
- MeteoFrance requests an advice on how to treat snow melt in case of nudging the snow component of the land surface (action: LS3MIP coordination team)
Spatial resolution of submitted offline model results
- All model groups need to generate offline model outputs as forcing to some of the LS3MIP experiments at the resolution of the native GCM grid. Moreover, some modelling groups do not have the infrastructure available to change the resolution of the offline model scheme. Therefore, the offline model data submitted to LS3MIP are expected in native model grid resolution, similar to LUMIP. Since the forcings are provided at 0.5x0.5 grids, model groups need to apply a spatial interpolation themselves.
- Specific participation in GSWP3 may require model groups to submit outputs in 0.5x0.5 degrees. MPI has good experience with CDO as an interpolation tool. For a conservative remapping, MPI uses:
- cdo remapcon,"Grid descriptor file" "GSWP3 original file".nc "Interpolated file".nc
- Example for interpolation to T63 resolution: cdo remapcon,t63grid
- A grid descriptor file can be created with: cdo griddes > gridfile.txt . Note that some spectral resolutions are available also via a keyword, e.g. t63grid in the example given above.
Data request
- Some ambiguities and unclear definitions still persist in the LS3MIP data request:
- Duplicated variables also requested elsewhere (action: Hyungjun)
- Need to reprioritize (select) variables for frozen ground (action: Hyungjun and Gerhard)
Commitment to LS3MIP
- The following modelling groups reconfirmed their commitment to LS3MIP: CAS, CanEnv, CMCC, CCSM, IPSL, MPI, MIROC, MeteoFr, HadCM
- The following modelling groups can not guarantee to participate in LS3MIP but will do so when possible:
- CSIRO will probably choose between LUMIP and LS3MIP
- EC-Earth cannot commit for the offline land runs at this stage. Off-line version of the model is not available and cannot foresee when the development will be finally accomplished.
Status of experiments by partners
- Offline simulations with GSWP3 have been performed by CCSM, MeteoFr, IPSL, MPI, HadCM
- IPSL and EC-Earth have done experimentation with various flavors of the soil nudging
Proposed analyses by individual groups
- CCSM will focus on land use change and its effects on land-atmosphere interactions
- EC-Earth wants to run LS3MIP with and without landuse change
- CMCC and MeteoFrance are interested in participating in the predictability experiment (LPMIP), but only when sufficient nr of partners are also joining (experiment needs critical mass of participating nr of groups)