This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this site.
Note: This topic should be regarded as read-only, so that upgrades can safely overwrite it without risk to your customizations.
Preference settings local to your site should be set in Main.SitePreferences (this topic is pointed to by {LocalSitePreferences}, which is set by the admin in the configure interface). Settings in Main.SitePreferences will override settings in this topic, and should be used for defining custom settings.
Read more on how to set preferences.
If yes, set SITEMAPLIST to on, do not set NOSEARCHALL, and add the "what" and "use to..." description for the site map. Make sure to list only links that include the name of the web, e.g. System.Topic links.
Simplified Copyright notice for the WebRss feed (don't use any special characters, html tags, entities, wiki markup or WikiWords)
Set WEBRSSCOPYRIGHT = Copyright 2025 by contributing authors
Exclude web from a web="all" search: (Set to on for hidden webs; is overwritten by web preferences) Note it is much better to use AccessControls in individual webs to control who can and can't view the contents of a web. NOSEARCHALL is retained for compatibility, but you should avoid using it.
Prevent automatic linking of WikiWords and acronyms (if set to on); link WikiWords (if empty); can be overwritten by web preferences:
Note: Use the [[...][...]] syntax to link topics in case you disabled WikiWord linking. The <noautolink> ... </noautolink> syntax can be used to prevents links within a block of text.
If you use non WikiWords for topic names (for example "Expenses" or "Mighty1") and if you use bracket notation to link to those topics, it is useful to turn of all warnings (like: "WARNING: This topic name is not recommended because it will not be linked automatically") and checkboxes ("Allow non WikiWord for the new topic name"). Can be overwritten by web preferences. Set to on to activate:
Warn if %INCLUDE{}% of topic fails: Fail silently if empty or off. Output warning message (defined in templates/oopsalerts.tmpl) if set to on. Otherwise output specific text (use $topic for topic). You can override this in web preferences, or by using a warn="..." parameter with %INCLUDE{}% :
Do not show a TOC if the topic it contains is included in another topic:
If not set: included TOC is shown
Possible values: on or nothing
Default User Settings
NOTE: They are typically redefined in topics of individual WikiUsers
Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links. Setting can be on, off, or customized. An empty setting or off setting disables the tool-tips (for better performance). The setting can contain $summary to show the topic summary, $date for the last change date, $rev for the revision, $username for the login name of the last editor, $wikiname for the WikiName, $wikiusername for Main.WikiName, $topic for the topic name, and $web for the web name
Horizontal size of text edit box: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Vertical size of text edit box: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Style of text edit box. Set to width: 99% for full window width (default; this will override the EDITBOXWIDTH setting), or width: auto to disable. This setting works for IE and some other recent browsers. (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width:99%
Work-around for sluggish/erratic wikitext editing in Internet Explorer 8. When this browser is in standards mode, at least some versions suffer sluggish response to keystrokes and erratic scrolling. For skins that are aware of it, this setting forces IE8 into compatibility mode for the edit template only.
Default state of the Force New Revision (ForceNewRevision) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Default state of the Minor Changes, Don't Notify (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Checkbox is initially checked if Set ATTACHLINKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty (Set ATTACHLINKBOX =). If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
Format of file link when the link check box is checked: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; \t to tab (3 spaces for bullets).
* Set ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT = \n * [[%ATTACHURL%/$name][$name]]: $comment
Format of images when the link check box is checked: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; $size to width="..." height="..." attribute of img tag; \t to tab and \n to linefeed (3 spaces for bullets).
Image, URL and alternate tooltip text of the logo for this installation: you should change these settings for your site, or they can be overwridden in WebPreferences for individual webs by defining these settings there.
Broadcast message for skins supporting a %BROADCASTMESSAGE% at the top of the page: (IMPORTANT: Set to empty message if not used; #Comment out unused messages)
#Set BROADCASTMESSAGE = NOTE: Edit and Attach will be disabled today between 05:00 PM and 06:00 PM PDT (00:00 to 01:00 GMT) for a scheduled WCR Wiki maintenance.
Users or groups allowed to create new top-level webs: (ex: WebCreatorsGroup?). If set to nothing, only administrators will be able to do this.
Default type for search bin script, one of: keyword (for search engine like syntax), regex (for RegularExpression search), or literal (for verbatim search). It does not influence the default for the WebSearch
Default for %SEARCH{}% macro, one of: keyword, regex, or literal
Stop words, e.g., common words and characters to exclude from a keyword search:
Set SEARCHSTOPWORDS = a, all, am, an, and, any, as, at, b, be, by, c, d, e, for, from, g, h, how, i, i'm, i.e., in, is, isn't, it, it's, its, j, k, l, m, n, o, of, on, or, p, q, r, s, t, that, that's, the, this, to, u, v, w, was, wasn't, what, what's, when, where, who, who's, will, with, x, y, z
E-mail Settings
'Mail this topic' mailto: link - can be included in topics, templates or skins
NOTE: Changing cache behaviour with these settings should not be necessary and may cause cache-related problems. These settings do not affect proxy caches.
NOTE: The current values of these preferences are not displayed in view mode (values are <link>-tags).
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts:
http-equiv meta tags for edit script:
http-equiv meta tags for preview script:
Skin Settings
Skin overriding the default templates: (can be overwritten by WebPreferences and user preferences)
Set SKIN = pattern
Note: See SkinBrowser for currently installed skins
Global skin styles. To change the look of the site, point these variables to custom CSS attachments.
Set FOSWIKI_LAYOUT_URL = /pub/System/PatternSkin/layout.css
Set FOSWIKI_STYLE_URL = /pub/System/PatternSkin/style.css
Set FOSWIKI_COLORS_URL = /pub/System/PatternSkin/colors.css
Themes that add upon the global skin styles. Choose from the Theme Browser at PatternSkin.
Set PATTERNSKIN_THEME = /pub/System/PatternSkin/theme_foswiki_noframe.css
Set PATTERNSKIN_COLUMNS = /pub/System/PatternSkin/column_left.css
Overriding styles that add upon the global and theme styles. Enabled by default but empty to prevent browsers from fetching %USERLAYOUTURL%-style URLs.
Skin icons
Topic containing the icon graphics library. Icons can easily be rendered with %ICON{name}%.
You can enable/disable Plugins using the configure interface.
You can also disable installed plugins in individual webs/topics by defining the DISABLEDPLUGINS preference setting to be a list of plugins to disable e.g.
%RED% red text %ENDCOLOR% and %GREEN% green text %ENDCOLOR%
You get:
red text and green text
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Set YELLOW = looks like this
Set ORANGE = looks like this
Set RED = looks like this
Set PINK = looks like this
Set PURPLE = looks like this
Set TEAL = looks like this
Set NAVY = looks like this
Set BLUE = looks like this
Set AQUA = looks like this
Set LIME = looks like this
Set GREEN = looks like this
Set OLIVE = looks like this
Set MAROON = looks like this
Set BROWN = looks like this
Set BLACK = looks like this
Set GRAY = looks like this
Set SILVER = looks like this
Set WHITE = looks like this (with gray background)
The following color settings are enclosed in verbatim tags to avoid incorrect nesting of XHTML tags:
* Set YELLOW = <font color="#ffff00">
* Set ORANGE = <font color="#ff6600">
* Set RED = <font color="#ff0000">
* Set PINK = <font color="#ff00ff">
* Set PURPLE = <font color="#800080">
* Set TEAL = <font color="#008080">
* Set NAVY = <font color="#000080">
* Set BLUE = <font color="#0000ff">
* Set AQUA = <font color="#00ffff">
* Set LIME = <font color="#00ff00">
* Set GREEN = <font color="#008000">
* Set OLIVE = <font color="#808000">
* Set MAROON = <font color="#800000">
* Set BROWN = <font color="#996633">
* Set BLACK = <font color="#000000">
* Set GRAY = <font color="#808080">
* Set SILVER = <font color="#c0c0c0">
* Set WHITE = <font color="#ffffff">
* Set ENDCOLOR = </font>
Note that $text is the topic link text, $topic is the name of the new topic, and $web is the name of the web for the new topic. Values for the 3 are taken from the link syntax [[$web.$topic][$text]]. For normal plain WikiWord links $text and $topic are the same. The value of $web is the current web unless the link is in the format $web.$topic.
You can introduce new preference settings and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the Foswiki engine (Perl scripts).
A preference is defined in a ShortHand bullet item: [3 spaces] * [space] Set NAME = value Example (as a nested bullet item, indented 6 spaces):
Preferences are used as Macros by enclosing the name in percent signs: %. Example:
When you write %WEBBGCOLOR%, it gets expanded to #FFD8AA .
The sequential order of the preference settings is significant. Define preferences that use other preferences FIRST. For example, set WEBCOPYRIGHT before WIKIWEBMASTER since the copyright notice uses the Wiki administrator e-mail address.
In order to protect your custom preferences from being overwritten when upgrading the System.DefaultPreferences topic, it is recommended that all custom settings are defined in Main.DefaultPreferences?.
Protected System Settings
The following macros are declared final to protect them as read only. These are system macros that should
never be attempted set or altered in any preference topic or topic settings.