Item Tracking system implemented as a Foswiki Data Application
Bugs web is intended for collecting reports of issues, and then tracking progress towards getting those issues fixed.
Issues are structured Foswiki topics, where forms are used to store a number of fields that contain data about the issue.
This is an Item Tracking System implemented using
It has been implemented to be used in a web on its own, but could be intermingled with a discussion style Web.
It is a pure Foswiki Data Application implemented using only what you get in the box when you download Foswiki.
A customised version of it has been in use as TWiki's bug tracking and shakeout system since 2005 - See, and
now also as
Foswiki's tracking system since the
BugsContrib is a
Foswiki Application (an application that is implemented entirely in Foswiki topics).
It is designed to use the left bars supported by
PatternSkin and the
though could easily be converted to another skin. It's ideal for a small bug database (we have used it with over 4000 items with no problems) for a disciplined team.
The main entry point for examining the list of issues is
_BugsContrib.AllOutStandingItems, which can be used to perform general purpose searches over the database.
You can subdivide the web into different areas using the
_BugsContrib.AppliesTo field, and provide each area with its own search topic.
Existing bug bases
Installation Instructions
- Download the archive from the Extensions web (see below)
- Unpack it in your Foswiki installation directory.
- Make sure that all files are readable by the web server user
- Run
to automatically check and install other Foswiki modules that this module depends on, that you may not have installed. This script also includes an uninstall
option should you ever wish to remove the plugin from your installation, and an upgrade
option that will automatically download and install the latest version.
- Create a new bugs web workspace below.
- To notify users via email when a report they have created, or are expected to provide feedback for, has changed, modify your crontab entry for the MailerContrib
Create a new Bugs web workspace
0 0 * * * ( cd /path/to/foswiki/bin && ../tools/genwebnotify WebName && ../tools/mailnotify )
Customising the Bugs Web
The web is configured as a simple bug tracker, but can easily be customised to meet your own requirements. Here are some pointers:
- _BugsContrib.ItemTemplate contains the basic bug form. This is a DataForm.
- _BugsContrib.WebLeftBar contains the left menu bar
- _BugsContrib.AppliesTo contains the list of areas that an issue might apply to. Configure this to your own requirements
- _BugsContrib.Priority contains a list of valid priorities
- _BugsContrib.CurrentState contains a list of valid item states
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Item Tracking system implemented as a Foswiki Application