Members of the C2SM core group can submit recommendations for updates to the C2SM website on this page.
NOTE: The web administrator will check this page every Friday morning. In case of urgent updates please submit your request and follow it with an email to the web administrators (Tina Schnadt or Tarun Chadha)
How to prepare the C2SM Newsletter:
Instructions here.
Word to HTML on windows machine:
1) Click on File -> Options
2) Choose Quick-access toolbar on the left
3) From "Choose commands from:" drop down select "Commands Not in the Ribbon"
4) Choose "Send To Mail Recipient" and click on Add and then on Ok
5) Now click on the "Send to Mail Recipient" option which should have appeared in the Quick Access Toolbar
6) Send the email
Note: For this to work you need to have installed outlook on your Desktop and added your ETH account to it.
C2SM Surveys
Create and access existing surveys: